因禍得福(Benison in Disguise)

因禍得福(Benison in Disguise)


因禍得福樂團(Benison in Disguise)成立於2023年7月,由Marbury(主唱鍵盤貝斯烏克麗麗)Leroy(鼓手打擊類樂器節奏類樂器)兩人組成,團名Benison in Disguise源自英文諺語A blessing in disguise,即因禍得福或是常聽到的塞翁失馬焉知非福,想表達就算是表面上看起來很不幸,但凡事都有它受眷顧的一面


Benison in Disguise is a Taiwanese duo from New Taipei City. The band was formed in July, 2023 by lead vocalist Marbury Lee along with drummer/percussionist Leroy Yeh. Bands name Benison in Disguise originated from an English idiom Blessing in Disguise, which is referring to the idea that something that appears to be a misfortune can have unexpected benefits. If something is a blessing in disguise, it causes problems and difficulties at first but later you realize that it was the best thing that could have happened.

(benison is an old character which is synonymous with blessing)

Life is a type of coincidence, so are encounters in life.
Although we consider that anything you choose is freedom, its also a feeling of affinity.
Nothing is definitely Bingo!, nothing is definitely losing.
Losing is more like an intro of a song. Its telling you about better luck next time.