Kumara the Cat 貓咪庫瑪拉

Kumara the Cat 貓咪庫瑪拉

Kumara the Cat 貓咪庫瑪拉 ^ᴥ^

成立於 2018 年的台北,深受六零年代以降的英國搖滾樂影響,復古的音樂血脈中,搓揉著搖滾迷幻流行民謠藍調等元素不耍張狂,不裝憂鬱,喜歡觀察都市裡的人類百態,時而揶揄他人,時而嘲弄自己,偶爾也耍耍浪漫,反覆無常成性,自以為像貓一樣又酷又可愛


Kumara the Cat is an indie-rock band from Taipei city started in 2018. The band consists of vocal/guitarist Athrun Ciou, guitarist Qmo, bassist Paul and drummer Tweety. The band was inspired by British rock from 60s to nowadays and try to combine rock, psychedelic, pop, folk and even more genres in it's sound.