Wreckage Of Progress

Wreckage Of Progress

Wreckage Of Progress is a Melodic Metalcore band from HongKong , formed in 2017 . The band has blended the melodic singing and screaming with the Metalcore genre . The band consists of the vocalist Billy , drummer Jack , bassist Yee , guitarist Issac , Cools and SHIF . WOP has released their first EP which is called "Witness" at 2018 .

WOP is pretty active in different kind of music events and countries during these years and days . Theyve been invited to performed at one of biggest festival of China which is called Taihu Midi Festival at 2019 and they also won the championship of the Planetrox China in 2019 and got the opportunity to performed at the Macadam Festival 2019 which is one of biggest festival in Canada .

2017年成軍的Wreckage Of Progress , 在重型音樂的結構上融合了旋律和咆哮的晿腔 . 樂團成員包括主音 Billy , 鼓手 Jack , 低音結他手 Yee 和結他手 Issac , Cools , SHIF . 樂團亦於成軍翌年發佈了首張專輯名為Witness .

樂團近年活躍於不同國家和類型的音樂活動 過往曾被邀請到被譽為是中國國內最大型音樂節之一的太湖迷笛音樂節2019演出 同年間樂團在全球各地也有舉辦的樂隊比賽Planetrox (China) 中勝岀 成為冠軍隊伍 隨後更被邀請到加拿大最大型音樂節之一的Macadam Festival 2019 演出