Wednesday and Bad To The Bone

Wednesday and Bad To The Bone

Wednesday與壞透樂團的音樂以歌德做爲曲風基底,其另類特質又調和了前衛迷幻英倫搖滾後龐克黑暗民謠Trip hop 元素,誕生出來獨樹一幟的 Art Rock 暗黑派藝術搖滾樂,Wednesday 與壞透樂團最爲人所知且著迷的,莫過於他們獨有的魔性詩意和演譯方式,每一字句,每一聲響都有著鑽入皮肉,直擊骨髓的深刻魅力
從未接觸過正規訓練的主唱 Wednesday,卻有著雌雄莫辨少見的低音域和特色唱腔,配合上吹斯達極具辨識度的吉他音色氛圍,再以晦暗沉鬱的貝斯與多變的鼓點捶擊牽繫緊每首曲目的旋律基底,四人編制不但完整了 Wednesday 與壞透樂團在聽覺至思覺中,要創造出的壯闊情懷,更因為他們呈現的特色,在眾多歌曲中,打開了觀眾記憶與耳目的大門

Wednesday and Bad To The Bone were formed in 2017, can basically be described a bluesy style of post-punk goth rock. There are immediately recognizable influences from Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and Einsturzende Neubauten, but Bad to the Bone arent a band stuck in the past. They also claim inspiration from recent UK bands such as Fat White Family, Filthy Boy, The Amazing Snakeheads and more. While the word bad in the bands name may have connotations of something spoilt or rotten, its actually more philosophical than that. Bad here refers to a gloomy sense of alienation that never goes away. And gradually without one even being aware of it, the badness seeps into your bones until eventually you have no choice but to give vent to it in a mumbling, howling stream of dark poetry.

ICRT battle of the bands
beast rock music festival 2018/2019
spring scream festival 2017/2018
ACID EFKT festival 2018
Hohaiyan music festival 2018
Macau Literary Festival 澳門文學節 2019
Unlimited Freedom Music Festival 2019
Wakeup Festival 2019
The Next Big Thing 見證大團 2019
Iron Rose Music Festival 桃園鐵玫瑰國際音樂節 2019
Malaysia City Roar Festival 城市巨响 2020
Green Life Festival 新北市綠生活音樂節 2020
貴人散步 2020
搖滾連續祭 2020
Taiwan Music Festival 台灣祭 2021
山屋祭 2021
意識不能招待所 2021
車庫103搖滾派對 2021
台中原創音樂大賽 2021
爛泥發芽台北場 2021 (延至2022/1/1舉辦)
The Waiit/眠氣巡演嘉賓 (APA 小地方 / Pipe Live house / Sound Live house) 2022
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夢田影像 - 滾動的詩: 15 組合作樂團之一 2022